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Strayer University

Strayer University’s School of Nursing offers a rigorous academic experience that fosters professional and intellectual growth for registered nurses from a variety of backgrounds.  Our supportive learning environment enables registered nurses to achieve their personal and professional goals and equips them both for a successful transition to the role of the professional nurse and for their lifelong learning pursuits. Graduates are prepared to provide ethical, competent, compassionate, and high-quality interdisciplinary nursing care to diverse populations in complex settings.

The philosophy of Strayer University’s Nursing Program reflects the beliefs of the institution and its faculty, provides direction for the program, and contributes to the delivery of high-quality health care and the advancement of the nursing profession. It is consistent with Strayer University’s mission and expresses the faculty’s views on four concepts critical to nursing education and the practice of professional nursing: individuals, health, professional nursing, and education and learning.

The School of Nursing at Strayer University stimulates a passion for lifelong learning. The program engages students in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to perform safe, high-quality, compassionate care, while advancing the nursing profession. In addition, the school facilitates personal and professional growth, equips graduates for advanced roles in nursing and healthcare, and prepares them for advanced educational pursuits.

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Springer Publishing Nursing Showcase